Conditions we Treat

At London Dietitians, we develop bespoke diets for a wide range of conditions, whether hereditary, lifestyle or disease driven.

These are some of the conditions we work on.  If your specific requirement is not on the list, please ask.  We are very likely to have a dietitian on the team who is experienced in working with that condition - we just didn't want to turn this page into a medical dictionary.

Medical conditions treated by London Dietitians


To increase iron absorption, always try and eat a food that is rich in vitamin C when eating an iron rich food.

Foods rich in vitamin C


Broccoli, peppers, melons, oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, tomatoes, mangoes, papaya, lemons, tomato juice, potatoes, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and spinach.

Finding the right diet

We help by creating a diet that contains iron-rich foods which will help your body to create enough healthy blood cells, so you will begin to feel better when using the right diet as a treatment for the condition.


Research suggests that if you can maintain your weight whilst going through treatment you will get through treatment with fewer side effects.

Two Step Approach

We embark on the treatment of each cancer patient in two key stages: 

  1. The first priority is to support you through treatment (surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy) with the primary goal of maintaining your weight.

  2. After treatment we plan for the future by ‘optimising your diet’ to help prevent further disease or recurring illness.

Caring Support


We support you through cancer treatment or prevention with bespoke dietetic intervention for specific conditions that will provide you with all nutritional requirements to help optimise cancer prevention, or help you to recover from treatment. Each patient's case is assessed individually and we have extensive experience in this area.

Patients are guaranteed a caring and supportive service from us, and results have proven that engaging a dietitian at this time can be instrumental in the recovery process. Having run the dietetic out-patient cancer clinics at Cancer Centre London for 13 years, and also taking care of the oncology in-patients for this length of time, our experience is second-to none in this area. Cancer dietetics is Lynda Mallinson's passion and she is extensively qualified to work with cancer patients. Lynda also offers Skype clinics to patients undergoing treatment, who may be too tired or ill to travel.


There is strong evidence to suggest that foods that are high in cholesterol, but low in saturated fat, have little impact on our cholesterol levels. Examples of these foods are eggs, shellfish, liver and kidney.

Eggs and cholesterol

All major UK heart and advisory bodies have removed the previous limits on egg consumption due to their cholesterol content.

Familial hypercholesterolaemia


Dietary cholesterol does not affect most of the population BUT about 10% of the population (especially those with familial hypercholesterolaemia) are high absorbers and will have a problem with cholesterol containing foods.

Cholesterol lowering

If you have been referred by your GP or Consultant we can assist, with the aim of reducing unhealthy cholesterol levels and bringing down your blood pressure. We offer a full assessment and will work with you to develop a heart-healthy diet. 

Chronic Fatigue

Toxin load often manifests as generalized symptoms in multiple body systems and chronic fatigue has been documented as one of these symptoms.

Have you thought about your toxic burden? This is just one thing we could explore. 

Supporting patients with ME

We support patients who suffer from this debilitating syndrome, as we understand that it cannot be treated with sleep or rest. We will work with you to create an eating plan that is designed to use diet as an effective treatment of your symptoms, which will help you to regain more control of your life by making safe and steady progress.

Who does ME affect?


ME/CFS can affect individuals of any age and any sex, and whilst some sufferers may be able to continue living their normal lives without too much disruption, for others the condition will be so debilitating that they may have to give up education, work, social activities, and in very serious cases may even become house-bound or bed-bound.

The importance of diet

Although it may not seem like ME/CFS has anything to do with diet and nutrition, actually there are many considerations that need to be taken into account. What we put into our bodies has a profound effect on how they function, so we may find that a good diet helps minimise ME/CFS symptoms. 


Lifestyle changes such as diet, moderate alcohol consumption and exercising more are shown to reduce the incidence or risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 50%.

Glycemic index


The glycemic index way of eating is perfect for the whole family to follow. It has many benefits other than blood sugar control - it increases energy, improves concentration, prevents cravings, headaches and irritability - and is one of the methods I use to feed my own family!

Meal plans

We  help you to set up a meal plan that will help with the management of your condition, while teaching you about the various combinations that will work for you. The biggest benefit will be in finding a solution that makes your mealtimes appealing enough that you will stick to the plan in the long term.

Related conditions

We also work with patients who suffer from insulin resistance and other obesity - related conditions.


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide.

Treatment of fatty liver


The treatment of fatty liver is usually related to the cause, and we can support you through dietary modifications that will help to minimise or reverse the effects of the condition.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can progress to cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. The liver possesses remarkable properties of repair and renewal and it is possible to completely reverse NAFLD if it is detected early enough.

A good balanced diet, low in unhealthy fats (but high in the good fats), along with whole grains, fruit, vegetables and low fat protein sources are what is required to reverse this condition.


Allergies to food such as milk, wheat, eggs and soya are often outgrown over time, whereas allergies to nuts, shellfish and peanuts are less commonly outgrown.


We can help both adults and children with allergy testing and support you through the elimination and reintroduction of food to your diet. Food allergies need not control your life and we will help you find a way through it.


By following a low FODMAP diet, gut symptoms can be alleviated in up to 75% of IBS patients. This means that patients will once again be able to regain confidence and trust in food.

Dealing with gut issues

The FODMAP diet is not the only method of treatment for bowel disorders. All patients will be assessed and the dietitian will be able to gauge what the best path of treatment might be. Gut issues are complicated and there are many different approaches that a dietitian might chose to use.

We work with patients who suffer a variety of symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea and which may stem from IBS or other Gastrointestinal disorders such as Coeliac Disease, Diverticular Disease, Hiatus Hernia or IBD (I.e. Crohns or Ulcerative  Colitis).

FODMAP trained dietitians


Both Alice and Lynda are FODMAP trained dietitians and qualified to help with implementing a low FODMAP diet to help alleviate IBS symptoms of abdominal bloating, wind, pain, diarrhoea and/or constipation.  These symptoms can affect up to 15% of the UK population.

How the low FODMAP diet works

The low FODMAP diet tackles the symptoms of IBS head-on, by eliminating the high FODMAP (highly fermentable carbohydrates) for a period of 4-8 weeks, until the patient is symptom free.

Successful reintroduction of FODMAP foods should be managed under the careful supervision of a FODMAP-trained dietitian, who will be able to identify which FODMAPs are triggering the patient's symptoms, and at what dose a ‘trigger food’ causes problems. This balanced approach – when adhered to – will ensure that the patient begins to enjoy a more balanced diet that consists of foods that are more varied and healthy.


In the UK, women live on average to the age of 82 but their good health only lasts until their mid 60s, whilst men live on average to 78 but their good health only lasts until the age of 64. This difference is often due to weight related illness.

Meeting nutritional requirements


Eating healthily is more than just about weight loss, but about optimising energy levels and the improvement of brain function. Food can be used as a treatment for many conditions and and can help you in the pursuit of a healthy body and mind.

We can help with areas such as:

  • Improved work performance
  • Weight management
  • Sporting performance

Metabolic Detoxing

Interesting Fact

Symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, achy muscles and joints, loss of endurance, and weight gain may all be signs of a toxic burden.

A metabolic detox will be beneficial to reduce these symptoms.

How to detox safely


We help you to detoxify and boost your metabolic rate safely, and with the confidence of knowing that you've got the support of a professional. While most diets are well meaning, they may not always be safe. Engaging the help of a qualified dietitian will mean that you can get the most out of this process with realistic goals, better results and a healthier outcome.

We would all benefit from metabolic detoxing. Metabolic detoxing is simply normalizing the body’s ability to metabolize xenobiotic (foreign chemical substance that is not naturally produced e.g. drugs, pesticides, herbicides etc.) and endogenous (made inside the body) compounds, while temporarily reducing incoming toxic burden. 

Selecting a detox programme

It is important when selecting a detoxification programme, that all the phases of the detox are well supported.  Phase I helps mobilize (free) the toxins, Phase 2 neutralizes the toxin and gets it ready for excretion and Phase 3 gets rid of the toxins.  The liver, kidney and the Gastro-intestinal tract all need to be supported though this cycle to ensure the job is done properly. 


Without adequate Vitamin D, the intestine absorbs only 10-15% of the dietary or supplementary calcium you consume.

Blood tests

It’s worth asking your GP to test your vitamin D levels, and ideally they should be over 75nmol/L (30ng/mL).

Living with osteoporosis


We help patients who are at risk of or already living with Osteoporosis, a condition where bone becomes thinner and weaker over time. We support you on the journey to better bone health by integrating the many nutrients needed for normal bone metabolism, including calcium, vitamins' D, K, B6, B12, and folate, and the minerals boron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, silicon and phosphorous.  

UK statistics

UK statistics reveal that half of women, and one in five men over the age of 50 will break a bone as a result of poor bone health; so if you have been diagnosed with a condition, or are at risk, it is wise to get help from us now as it could really help your health in the longer term.


Research tells us that up to 79% of 11-18 year old girls and boys do not meet their calcium requirement, and are unlikely to achieve their Peak Bone Mass (PBM) increasing their risk of osteoporosis in the future.

Peak bone mass


Did you know that you achieve your peak bone mass before adulthoodi.e. in your 20’s? This is the strongest your bones will be throughout your life. Therefore ensuring you getting enough calcium and vitamin D throughout your childhood and teenage years is vital in protecting your bones in the future. Achieving peak bone mass before adulthood is critical to provide maximum protection against bone fragility and fractures in later life.

Working with children, teens and parents

We have extensive experience of working with children, teenagers and their parents on all aspects of nutrition, allergy, behavioural or other chronic conditions, where food has either become a source of stress, or could become a treatment that assists in the quality of day to day living. Currently we do not have a dedicated paediatric dietitian in our team, but Alice and Lynda will be happy to help with children on a case by case basis. For babies and toddlers we would refer onto more specialized paediatric dietitians.


Studies have shown that those following a Mediterranean-type diet have a reduction in the number of swollen and tender joints, a reduction in the duration of morning stiffness, and improved general well-being.


London Dietitians have been part of the London Rheumatology Clinic since 2011, and have worked alongside the Rheumatologists helping with many different conditions including osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus and other auto-immune conditions.

We are particularly keen in understanding the health of the gut when it comes to inflammatory conditions as dysbiosis can be a root cause of leaky gut, resulting in generalized inflammation in the body. This concept will be explained during the first consultation.


Interesting Fact

Vegans and vegetarians have similar or greater intakes of most minerals with the exception of iodine, calcium (vegans only) and selenium.

Vitamins and minerals


Vegans and vegetarians should take extra care with iron and zinc because of their low bioavailability from plant-based diets. All vegans and vegetarians who limit dairy foods and eggs, should regularly include a reliable source of vitamin B12 in their diet or take a B12 supplement. If you don’t eat fish, it would be a good idea to consider an omega 3 supplement made from an algae derived DHA.

Balanced Eating

Through careful planning, support and lifestyle analysis we can help you to enjoy a vegan or vegetarian diet while meeting your individual nutritional needs. There are many different ways we can help with this, and we look forward to helping patients to celebrate this choice with confidence.


To help with hot flushes, studies have shown that having 2 servings of soya a day decreases the frequency of hot flushes by 50% and the severity by 54%!

Benefits of soya

Some examples of soya foods are soya milk, soya yoghurt, soya beans (edamame beans), soya mince, soya nuts, tofu, etc.

Adjusting diet for all ages


Diet plays a huge part in women's health, through all of life's ages and stages. So whether you are looking to ease the symptoms of PMS or menopause, boost fertility, increase health in pregnancy or during breastfeeding, we can create an eating plan that will help you to look and feel your best. At these stages of life it is more important than ever to have an eating plan that meets your needs and the option of taking additional supplements if needed.